With LabInsights.com, you can unlock the full spectrum of your lab knowledge by diving into our features
Enhance your lab’s performance, optimize lab strengths with our Lab Insights Benchmarking Matrix, suitable for labs of all sizes.
We are fueled by the world’s most inspiring laboratories, C-suites, and healthcare speakers.
「Lab Insights は、Clinical Lab 2.0 イニシアチブの取り組みと非常に連携しています。臨床転帰の改善、集団の健康管理、全体的なコストの削減、価値ベースの医療の促進に対するラボの可能性を示す重要な事例研究に注目が集まっています。 」
“Lab Insights is helpful for labs to know the healthcare and laboratory trends via lab benchmarking survey and best practices & case studies sharing for the future lab management improvement. This is also aligned with VACB objectives and activities for the clinical biochemists community in Vietnam”
“The website helps labs to provide clinicians with new information, which will increase the presence of the lab in the hospital.”