Optimising screening and triage for cervical cancer: Prof Mark Stoler on why biomarkers are best

August 17, 2023 Bullet Article
Optimising screening and triage for cervical cancer: Prof Mark Stoler on why biomarkers are best

At the 35th International Papillomavirus Conference (IPVC) in April 2023, Prof Mark Stoler of the University of Virginia Health System spoke about detecting p16 and Ki-67, two biomarkers that indicate the presence of transforming HPV infections. His talk assesses their efficacy to definitively show the presence of HPV infection in a patient, showing how the use of p16/Ki-67 dual staining in the triage of HPV positive results leads to better disease detection, allocation of limited healthcare resources, and peace of mind for the patient. 

A key benefit of simultaneously detecting p16 and Ki-67, according to Stoler, is in helping clinicians recommend follow-up for women who will benefit most from colposcopy, resulting in more disease detection without increasing the colposcopy rate. As HPV primary screening programmes are scaled at the national level, Stoler notes that it is important to consider how HPV positive results are managed in order to ensure that healthcare resources are used efficiently and effectively. 

Watch the full video below, and check out some of the other sessions from IPVC via the related links in the sidebar. 

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