COVID-19, lab diagnostics and health policy in Asia Pacific: insights from Dr Swee Kheng Khor (RED 2021)

COVID-19, lab diagnostics and health policy in Asia Pacific: insights from Dr Swee Kheng Khor (RED 2021)

The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the enduring importance of diagnostics and brought clinical lab leaders in closer contact with health policymakers than ever before. This talk by Dr Swee Kheng Khor, a global health expert with deep experience in the Asia Pacific region, explores key considerations for the clinical lab community to make the most of this unique moment. This includes a high-level view of where clinical labs fit into healthcare systems; strategies for increasing investment in clinical lab services; and recommended policy areas for lab leaders to focus on in the post-COVID era.

Watch the full talk below (click the buttons on the play bar to jump to any specific segment that interests you).

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