
Coagulation disorders in heart failure: pathophysiology and clinical management

Coagulation disorders in heart failure: pathophysiology and clinical management

Heart failure (HF) is a clinical syndrome caused by a structural or functional disorder of the heart that results in elevated intracardiac pressures and/or inadequate cardiac output during exercise or rest. The condition is associated with an increased risk of both arterial and venous thrombotic events. Greater awareness of the issue among clinicians, as well […]

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Implementing the 0h/1h high-sensitivity cardiac troponin algorithm: case study from a Malaysian heart institute

Implementing the 0h/1h high-sensitivity cardiac troponin algorithm: case study from a Malaysian heart institute

As a Consultant Emergency Physician and Head of the Emergency Department at the Institut Jantung Negara (National Heart Institute), one of the leading heart care centres in Southeast Asia, Dr Farina Mohd Salleh recently helped implement the 0-hour/1-hour high-sensitivity cardiac troponin algorithm. In this lecture at RED 2023, she discusses the key challenges and considerations

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Singapore patient tells tale of CAD and hyperthyroidism diagnosis

Singapore patient tells tale of CAD and hyperthyroidism diagnosis_thumbnail

After experiencing a heart attack, Sandy Yzelman discovered that he had both coronary artery disease (CAD) and hyperthyroidism due to Grave’s disease, an autoimmune disorder that can lead to heart failure and death if left untreated. In this talk, he shares the story of his diagnosis and experience of developing a treatment plan for his

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Evidence-based medicine in heart failure: insights from Prof David Sim

Evidence-based medicine in heart failure: insights from Prof David Sim

Prof David Sim, Director of the Clinical and Translational Research office of Singapore’s National Heart Centre, has extensive experience in heart failure evaluation and guiding management through the use of cardiac biomarkers. In this talk at the 7th annual China Conference on Laboratory Technology and Application (CCLTA), Prof Sim discusses the immense clinical value of

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Leveraging a Lab IT solution and the ESC 0/1h algorithm for ACS patient triage in the ED: a case study from Vietnam

Leveraging a Lab IT solution and the ESC 01h algorithm for ACS patient triage in the ED a case study from Vietnam

Hanoi Medical University hospital (HMUH) receives approximately 3,500 patients per day, including around 100 patients per day in the Department of Emergency and Intensive Care (DEIC). One of the most important priorities for the DEIC is to triage patients with symptoms suggestive of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) as soon as possible. It is essential to

Leveraging a Lab IT solution and the ESC 0/1h algorithm for ACS patient triage in the ED: a case study from Vietnam Read More »

Respiree takes on heart failure with remote monitoring platform

Respiree takes on heart failure with remote monitoring platform

Post-COVID19 is expected to see a paradigm shift in care – specifically towards the use of digital patient monitoring. Some hospitals are shifting towards home-based models while others are adopting care in hospitals using sensors and artificial intelligence. Despite this, digital patient monitoring still sees several limitations. Mobile interfaces and use of manual synchronisations limit

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Rapid diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction: the critical role of clinical labs


Rapid and safe diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is of major medical and economic importance because it facilitates the timely treatment of chest pain and possible early discharge for outpatient management. The recent clinical introduction of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T (hs-cTnT) testing using the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) 0-hour/1-hour (0h/1h) algorithm means that

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Cardiac biomarker turnaround time targets in Asia Pacific (2020 data update)


A large majority of clinical labs in the Asia Pacific region maintain turnaround time (TAT) targets for cardiac biomarkers, but some countries and laboratory market segments have more ambitious targets than others, according to the latest results from the Asia Pacific Laboratory Benchmarking Survey, an annual survey by Roche Diagnostics that measures the operational effectiveness of

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COVID-19 in Wuhan: local cardiologist shares frontline experience


During the first wave of the COVID-19 outbreak that erupted in China in late 2019, Dr Ning ZHOU, a cardiologist in Wuhan city, contracted the virus. He eventually recovered, and after several weeks in quarantine, he went back to work to care for the thousands of patients that flooded the local hospitals. Other healthcare workers were not so

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COVID-19 and the heart: experiences from the frontline


On 17 Apr 2020, the Asia Pacific Society of Cardiology (APSC) hosted a webinar on the interplay between the COVID-19 pandemic and cardiology. The webinar, which was endorsed by the International Society of Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy and supported by Roche Diagnostics, attracted nearly 500 participants from across Asia and around the world. The webinar was moderated by

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