Evidence-based medicine in heart failure: insights from Prof David Sim

Evidence-based medicine in heart failure: insights from Prof David Sim

Prof David Sim, Director of the Clinical and Translational Research office of Singapore’s National Heart Centre, has extensive experience in heart failure evaluation and guiding management through the use of cardiac biomarkers. In this talk at the 7th annual China Conference on Laboratory Technology and Application (CCLTA), Prof Sim discusses the immense clinical value of NT-proBNP as an evidence-based tool for diagnosis, prognostication and management of heart failure.

With the use of both research and clinical studies, Prof Sim highlights the need to choose cardiac biomarkers such as NT-proBNP in both an acute and chronic heart failure setting. Prof Sim also stresses that even though many clinical guidelines recommending the use of NT-proBNP are from countries such as the USA, studies from the Asia Pacific region also show evidence that echo these recommendations.

Prof Sim also spoke about how future approaches should expand beyond biomarker monitoring and try to prevent adverse disease outcomes through early detection of at-risk patients, such as that in the Asian Diabetes Outcome Prevention Trials (ADOPT), which aims for primary prevention of cardiovascular events such as heart failure development in biomarker identified high risk diabetic patients by treatment intensification.

Watch the full talk below (click the buttons on the play bar to jump to any specific segment that interests you).




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