Triage of HPV-positive patients with p16/Ki67 dual staining biomarkers in the USA and China

Triage of HPV-positive patients with p16/Ki67 dual staining biomarkers in the USA and China

In this webinar on using p16/Ki67 dual staining biomarkers in the triage of HPV-positive patients, experts from the United States and China share their experiences with these biomarkers in their routine clinical practices.

As a gynaecological oncologist at UVA Health, Professor Leigh Cantrell emphasises that explaining the science behind HPV and its role in cervical cancer, as well as how each diagnostic test can assess and manage cancer risk, provides significant reassurance to HPV-positive patients. While various testing guidelines exist in the US, a clear explanation of how HPV can lead to cancer and how dual stain biomarkers help identify  and manage this risk offers greater confidence to both women and their clinicians in managing cervical cancer risk.

From her perspective as a pathologist in China, Dr. Xu Jingjing has extensive experience with dual stain biomarkers, having used them routinely in her lab since their implementation at her hospital in 2018.

Since its adoption, Dr Xu speaks on her own findings of how p16/Ki67 cytology interpretation can sometimes be difficult, and shares cases where additional steps can be taken to clarify the results. Dr. Xu concludes by presenting two real-world cases in which p16/Ki67 dual staining biomarkers were used in the management of high-risk HPV-positive patients.

Click on the CC button in the playbar to watch the recording with captions. 




定序红色 2020Rare Diseases
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